Thursday 2 October 2014

Verbs followed by -ing clauses

Common verbs followed by –ing nouns are:

Verbs of liking and disliking:

  • detest
  • dislike
  • enjoy
  • hate
  • fancy
  • like
  • love
I love swimming but I hate jogging.
They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
A: Do you fancy going for a walk?
B: I wouldn’t mind

Phrases with mind:

  • wouldn’t mind (= would like)
  • don’t mind (= I am willing to)
  • would you mind (= will you please…?)
wouldn’t mind having some fish and chips.
don’t mind waiting for a few minutes.
Would you mind holding this for me?

Verbs of saying and thinking:

  • admit
  • consider
  •  deny
  • imagine
  • remember
  • suggest
Our guide suggested waiting until the storm was over.
Everyone denied seeing the accident.

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