Showing posts with label Endangered Species. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Endangered Species. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Endangered Species

conservation effort nounmeasures to protect and restore the natural world
ecosystem nounthe ongoing relationship between living things and their environment
endangered species nounanimals or plants that are likely to go extinct
environmentalistnouna person who cares about the natural world and makes an effort to protect it or raise awareness for its needs
extinction nounthe loss of a species in this world
food chain nouna group of organisms that feed off of each other
global warmingnounthe gradual increase in temperature on earth
habitat nounthe area where a species naturally lives, eats, and reproduces
recover verbto help a certain species repopulate an area
reforestationnounthe planting and growth of new trees
risk verbengage in a dangerous act
vulnerableadjectivelikely to face injury or danger
wildlife nounplants and animals living in a natural environment