Showing posts with label Fish and Shellfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fish and Shellfish. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Fish and Shellfish

Crab ....................... cangrejo
Shrimp...................  langostino
Lobster ................... langosta
Clam ...................... almeja
Horn snail ............... caracol
Mussel .................... mejillón
Oyster .................... ostra
Squid ...................... calamar
Cuttlefish ................ sepia
Octopus .................. pulpo
Scallop .................... vieira
Cod ...................  Bacalao
Haddock ............. Abadejo
Plaice ................. Platija
Salmon ............... Salmón
Trout ................. Trucha
Herring .............. Arenque
Prawn .................Gamba