Showing posts with label HOW TO WRITE AN ARTICLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOW TO WRITE AN ARTICLE. Show all posts

Thursday 15 January 2015


Type of article
- informal to neutral
* It depends on what magazine it is for (ex : young people magazine : more informal, business/travel magazine : more neutral)
* Do not use formal expressions (ex : Besides, moreover, likewise.. /I would like to give an opposite idea..)

Basic advice
- It should be interesting and catch the reader’s attention.
- Do not just copy sentence from the task.
- Use informal language to involve the reader (ex : Once Carnival starts, the whole town goes crazy!)
- Don’t forget to express your opinion (ex : I love the giant street dolls.)

1. Heading : think of an interesting title.
2. Introductory paragraph linked to the title : to make the reader interested in the topic, try to use a question.
3. One or two more paragraphs : develop your main points.
4. A final paragraph : summarise the main points and give your concluding opinion or express your feelings.

Useful language:

Involving the reader
1. Are you thinking of (getting married in the near future)?
2. I’m sure you’ll agree (it was a great idea.)

Developing your points
1 . Let’s start with (why it is so important to take plenty of exercise).
2. Another advantage (of using a computer is that..)
3. On top of that,…

Giving your own opinion
1. I think that/In my opinion (traditional celebrations are very important).
2. It seems to me that (people are much more aware of the importance of a good diet nowadays.)