Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 December 2014


If you are overweight or obese, your doctor will probably recommend that you "go on a diet". Here are some words and phrases that we use to talk about dieting, body size and putting on weight.

watch what you eat = be careful about what you eat, and the quantities you eat
watch your figure = refuse certain food because you want to stay slim
go on a crash diet = start a radical diet to lose weight quickly
count the calories / a calorie-controlled diet = a diet where you measure the calories of each item of food you eat
snack between meals = to eat between meals (avoid doing this if you are on a diet!)
cut out certain foods altogether (i.e. stop eating bread or pasta, for example)
cut down on = reduce the amount of (fatty or sugary foods, for example)