Showing posts with label pet B1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet B1. Show all posts

Friday 20 March 2015

English is.......!!!!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a larg...

Speaker 1.What’s the disadvantage he mentions?
Speaker 2. What are the disadvantages he mentions?
Speaker 3. What is , in his opinion, the main advantage? What two disadvantages does he mention?
Speaker 4.What’s the huge advantage cities have compared to rural areas?
Speaker 5.  What’s , according to this speaker, the main advantage?

Monday 2 February 2015

Irregular verbs Games

                                              Click on the images to play these games!      

Friday 30 January 2015


Click on the image for a comprehension exercise.

Shambo, the bull at the centre of a three-month legal fight, has been killed. After a positive test for TB, an order was made for his slaughter, in keeping with the law. However, the multi-faith community where he lived went to court to try to save him as he was a sacred animal to Hindus.

A High Court judge said that the order to kill him was unlawful, but the decision was overturned in the Appeal Court. Police had to be called in as worshippers had formed a human shield around the animal to stop him being taken away. Opinion is very divided on the issue- some believe that he was a danger to the national herd and needed to be killed, while others feel that religious beliefs should be respected and the community had offered to provide sufficient measures to ensure that he would not infect any other animals if he contracted the disease as they planned to isolate him. The authorities cut through the security fence and led the bull away. The following morning they announced that he had been given a lethal injection.
The debate on the issue is unlikely to end with the death of Shambo and may widen into a debate about the policy of killing cows that test positive for TB.

Thursday 22 January 2015

                                                  Easy listening exercise ! Click on the image !

Friday 9 January 2015

Monday 22 December 2014

The Best Christmas Of All

from What's up? School of English.
Hope you all have a great time with family and friends.

Friday 28 November 2014


Click on the image for a reading and listening exercise on line.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Promises - Listening exercise!

Try to complete the lyrics.

The last night I was blown away
I said a million things I'd never say
I was knocked right down, it got to me
Gonna get me some of your Chemistry
You want me to
That everything is …..............
I won't ….................promises that I can't keep
I won't make promises that I don't mean
I'll even mean the things I tell you in my sleep, yeah
I won't make …................ babe, that I can't keep
Oh, my my, I lost …..................
I told you everything, I said it all
You came right out and said to me
"Gonna get me some of your ….................."
You want me to promise you
That everything is true
I won't make promises that I can't keep
I won't ….............. promises that I don't mean
I'll even mean the things I tell you in my sleep, yeah
I won't make promises babe, that I can't ….............
You want me to promise you
That everything is …..............
I ….............make promises that I can't keep
I won't make promises that I don't mean
I'll even …................ the things I whisper in my sleep
Oh, let me ….............. you
I won't say a single thing darling, that you can't ….................
You gotta believe me

I won't …..................................that I can't keep
Oh baby believe me now
I won't make promises that I don't mean
Oh why won't you believe me now
I'll even mean the things I tell you in my sleep, yeah
I won't make promises that …................................
Baby, you gotta believe me.

                                                Check here

Suggested by one of our students. Thanks a lot !!!

Tuesday 25 November 2014


                                          Band    Banned
                                          Knot     Not
                                         There    Their/ they're
                                         Passed   Past
                                         Flu        Flew
                                         I'll         Aisle/ Isle
                                         Right    Wright
                                         Sun       Son
                                         Cell      Sell
                                         Made   Maid