Wednesday 1 October 2014

FOR - TO (purpose or reason)

It is sometimes not clear what structure to use to talk about the use of an object (for cleaningas opposed to the reason for which the object is used (to clean).
  • Use or purpose of things/objects

    To explain the use of an object, what it is used for, we use for following by -ing
    • What is this sponge for? = For what purpose is it used?
      It is for cleaning the sink.
  • Reason or purpose of actions

    To explain why we do something, the reason for which it is done,
    we use the infinitive (ex: to do)
    • What do you use this sponge for? =  Why do you use it?
      I use it to clean the sink.
    • Why did you turn on the radio?
      I turned on the radio to listen to the news.

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