Friday 24 October 2014

The auxiliary verb TO DO

1 comment:

  1. Can you complete this?

    – Do you know Henry?

    – Yes, I do. He’s a ______ guy.

    – ______ he like to windsurf?

    – Yes, he does. And he likes to ______.

    – Yes, and he ______ you too.

    – No, he doesn’t like me.

    – ______, he does.

    – No, he doesn’t.

    – Yes, he does!

    – No, he doesn’t! You’re ______ of him.

    – No, I’m not.

    – Yes, you ______!

    – No, I’m not!

    – Yes, you are! Anyway, you’re right to be jealous, ______ I like him!
